1. The Plan to Integrate the US, Mexico, and Canada by Phyllis Schlafly focuses on the Security and Prosperity Partnership, which is based on a plan by the Council Foreign Relations. Its goal is to end American sovereignty and independence.
2. Abolishing the USA by William Jasper is another take on the topic of the SPP.
3. Defeat the UN Law of the Sea Treaty! by Phyllis Schlafly focuses on the threat posed by the Law of the Sea Treaty. LOST would essentially give the United Nations control of the world's oceans.
4. CAFTA is a Bad Deal for the United States by Phyllis Schlafly explains what is wrong with the Central American Free Trade Agreement. CAFTA is not a traditional trade agreement but is a disguised attack on our sovereignty.
5. An Open Letter to Conservatives by Dan Flynn argues that conservatives have failed to hold President Bush and the Republican party accountable. This resulted in numerous unconservative policies, including the Harriet Miers nomination.
6. Does Hawaii Want to Succeed from the Union? by Phyllis Schlafly exposes the plan to create a separate race-based government for "native Hawaiians" that would be able to secede from the union.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Best columns of 2005
This special POLITICAL UPDATE focuses on the best of 2005. These are the most crucial and most under-reported stories of the year gone by. This update is absolutely a must-read. I swear I'm not being paid by Phyllis Schlafly! This is just what was sent to me.