Monday, December 31, 2007

Best Articles of 2007

It is time for the best articles of 2007. These articles were selected from roughly 10,000 articles this year. More than 400 articles appeared in this year's 52 POLITICAL UPDATES.

Immigration was the most frequent topic, inspiring eight updates. Second was environmentalism/global warming with six, and third was the North American Union with five. What follows are my choices, in chronological order, for the ten most important news or opinion pieces of 2007.

Phyllis Schlafly: Bush's Plan To Bankrupt Social Security
A secret agreement with Mexico would give illegal immigrants Social Security benefits.
William Jasper: Putin's Russia
Russia is controlled by the KGB, and is increasingly dictatorial.
Donald Devine: How To Win War on Terror
There is progress in the war on terror, which can be won through prudence, not hysteria.
Gregory Hession: This is Child Protection?
Government 'child protection' agencies often break up families, abuse children, and violate civil liberties.
Phyllis Schlafly: Economic Integration on the March
The North American Union is composed of elements including the SPP, NAFTA Superhighway, amnesty, and more.
Walter Williams: Deadly environmentalists
Environmentalism is an anti-human ideology that has claimed millions of lives.
Jerome Corsi: Mexico's Fox openly calls for North American Union
Former Mexican President admits a plan for North American Union.
William Jasper: Continental Merger
More and more evidence confirms a plan for North American Union.
Ann Coulter: McCarthyism: The Rosetta Stone of Liberal Lies
Senator Joe McCarthy was correct and has been smeared by liberals.
William Jasper: Chinopoly
China is still communist, and its prosperity is the result of American government policies.

Honorable Mentions:
Mac Johnson: Onward Christian Mothers...
Pat Buchanan: Corruption in the Schools
Ron Paul: The Coming Entitlement Meltdown
Ann Coulter: Let Them Eat Tofu!
Sam Antonio: Punished for Doing Their Job
Ann Coulter: Bush's America: Roach Motel
William Jasper: Behind the Job Loss
Jacob Hornberger: Tyranny and the Military Commissions Act
Michael Telzrow: The New Chinese Take-Out
Phyllis Schlafly: Deep-Six The Law Of The Sea
Steven Greenhut: Liberate the Public Schools
Thomas Sowell: Mugged By Reality: Part III
William Jasper: Behind Islamic Terror
Phyllis Schlafly: Scholars Explain Bush's SPP
John Stossel: Our Crazy Health-Insurance System
Thomas Sowell: An Investment in Failure
Gregory Hession: Behavior Worth Medicating?

Best of 2006
Best of 2005